Your partnership shared the hope of Jesus with more than 15 million people in 2024.

Join us in celebrating what God did in 2024!

Look at what God did through the support of friends like you in 2024!

God used this team to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to many lost and hurting lives last year. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. All of us at the Palau team thank God for you. More than 3.5 million people in 2024 responded to the Good News as a result of this work. And it wouldn’t be possible without friends like you giving to this great cause.

"They will glorify God because of . . . the Gospel of Christ, and the generosity of your contribution for them and all others" (2 Corinthians 9:13).

Thank you for standing with us in this great and urgent work.

Your friends,

Andrew and Wendy Palau
Psalm 20

In 2024, we proclaimed the Gospel to
15,827,166 people!

Partnered with

Over 6,574


4,108 global evangelists

Accelerated collaborative Gospel work with

Evangelism teams in 50 U.S. cities

In total, 3,586,437 people indicated
a decision for
Christ—in person and online!

From the bottom of our hearts, the whole Palau team says: 

Thank you! We could not do the work of sharing the Gospel without you.